Celina Voelker

Celina Voelker

Ways to Give Back During the Holidays

Many of us get wrapped up in our own family's needs/wants during the holiday season.  We may forget to acknowledge others who are less fortunate.  The holidays are a time of teaching our children...

A Day in the Life of a Three-Year-Old

This is an open invitation to take a glimpse into a day in the life of my three-year-old. Sometimes being three is tough; they are still trying to fully understand the art of communication,...

Not Just Turkey and Trimmings

What does Thanksgiving mean to you and yours? Do you find yourself going through the motions during the holidays? Does it feel mundane, or are you overwhelmed? Do you feel that you or your family have forgotten...
Be Your Family’s Healthy Inspiration

Be Your Family’s Healthy Inspiration

As we evolve into kissers of boo-boos, wipers of tears, and defenders against monsters, the importance of taking care of the number one hero, ourselves, becomes lost. It’s not intentional; we are moms, and we...

Your Plans Are in Your Children’s Hands

As a mom of a three-year-old and a newly turned five-year-old, you'd think I'd be accustomed to not getting my way and for my plans not going the way I envision them going. But...