Susannah Dellinger

Susannah Dellinger
Susannah Dellinger is a corporate executive escapee. After over a decade of non-stop travel, never-ending stress and 70-80 work weeks, she quit her job and did nothing but take care of herself for 4 weeks and downsized to a smaller apartment. Surprise, surprise, that is exactly when she found herself knocked up after being married for 15 years and is expecting her first child in December! These days she can be found under a pile of never-ending laundry, cringing at the term “geriatric ob” on her chart, obsessively googling safety ratings for baby gear, and starting her indie beauty brand consulting firm.

I Was Told There Would Be Unicorns

"It's not as bad as you think it will be" "Your body was made for this!"  "You might actually LIKE labor" "My labor felt amazing and really bonded me to my baby" "Millions of women do it every...

Diary of a Geriatric, Overanxious Mom-to-Be

The first time I heard the phrase "geriatric pregnancy" I had to physically contain myself from kicking the doctor in the shins (or somewhere else). My mind swirled and I sputtered to ask "Did...