How Often Do You Wash Your Hair? Thoughts From a Chronic Hair Washer to Dry Shampoo User


How many days can you use dry shampoo? Is dry shampoo good for dry hair? Is it better to use dry shampoo at night? Is it okay to use dry shampoo two days in a row?

*This is not a sponsored post, but includes incredible recommendations from someone who has tried it all!

So. Many. Questions.

I feel like there are two types of people. Those who live by dry shampoo, and those of us who either have never used it (but have heard of it) or are newbies to figuring out this dry shampoo lifestyle.

All of these questions popped up under the “people also ask” section of Google when searching “dry shampoo” topics. The funny thing is, these are all questions I’ve wondered myself!

How many days can you use dry shampoo? You can use dry shampoo every day if you want! Not that I recommend never washing your hair, though. I’ve been dry-shampooing for about six months now, and my balance is to wash every other day. Your answer will honestly depend on your hair type, and whether your scalp tends to be oily, dry, or somewhere in-between.

Is dry shampoo good for dry hair? Dry shampoo works for all hair types! Although you know your hair better than anyone else, if you have a naturally dry scalp, you may not actually need to use dry shampoo daily (or at all!) Dry shampoo is intended to soak up oils produced by the scalp in-between hair washing.

Is it better to use dry shampoo at night? It really doesn’t matter what time you use dry shampoo. Ralph at Largo says that it’s a great idea to use dry shampoo right after you’ve washed and dried your hair. Plus it adds a little extra texture for those of us who need it! The reason behind using dry shampoo on freshly cleaned hair is that it will serve as a preventative for oil formation in between washings. It helps to have the dry shampoo already in place (ready for action!), rather than trying to sop up oils after they’ve developed. This also helps you use less dry shampoo over time.

Is it okay to use dry shampoo two days in a row? It’s okay to use dry shampoo two days in a row. With this being said, it’s always good to strike a healthy balance among hair-washing days, non-hair-washing days, and dry shampooing. I have found that it works for me to wash my hair every other day with a “normal to oily” scalp. If I go three days without washing, my hair tends to look like I’m auditioning for the movie Grease. I frequently use dry shampoo on the off day, while also making sure to give my hair an occasional break by not shampooing at all (dry or wet).

What if you get sweaty on a non-hair washing day? Ralph at Largo says it’s okay to get your hair wet and rinse it with water. Just don’t add shampoo if you can help it.

How Often Do You Wash Your Hair?! Thoughts From A Chronic Hair Washer to Dry Shampoo UserWhen did dry shampoo even become a thing?

I’ve washed my hair every single day since I was 12 (with shampoo). Sometimes twice a day. GASP.

It’s like I woke up one day and suddenly everyone is talking about dry shampooing and how much it saves their lives on the regular. I have always been a chronic hair washer, which I recently learned is also a thing. A very bad thing in the eyes of, well everyone, except me.

Over the last several months, I’ve jumped on the dry shampoo train. I’ll be honest. Not washing my hair is awkward — I experiment with the number of days that I go without washing to find what works best for my hair type. Between what I’ve learned from my professional hairstylist(s), friends, and Google Q&A, it seems like there’s not a perfect answer to what we should be doing with our hair: washing, not washing, dry shampoo, no dry shampoo . . . .

How do you handle hair washing?

If you’re not a chronic hair washer like I was, I’d love to know how you style your hair on the off days! Share with us in the comments below!

Largo HaircutP.S. It took me a long time to find a stylist that I trusted after moving to Charleston. I’ve had plenty of hair nightmares in the past to scar me for life! When we lived in Minneapolis, I found the best of the best and wouldn’t let anyone else touch my hair — even after moving to Charleston. I would simply wait until I could get back to Minneapolis for a haircut. Crazy, right? (Shout out to my dear friend Eduardo at District on 50th. If you happen to be looking for a hairstylist in Minneapolis, Minnesota, go see him!). It isn’t always realistic for me to wait until I can get halfway across the country for my next new ‘do. Luckily I found Largo. If you’re looking for a hair salon in Charleston like I was, I wholeheartedly recommend them (tell them I sent you!) They are amazing professionals, and I would trust them with my hair any day!

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LeeAnn Neumann
LeeAnn is the owner and photographer behind Chucktown Art, a local business offering photography, graphic design, and social media consulting. She is a strong supporter of lifelong continuing education for the constant development and overall improvement of any craft. LeeAnn created Chucktown Art in 2017, with a desire to share beauty in nature and in experiences that may not otherwise be seen. LeeAnn moved to vacationland (a.k.a. Charleston) with her family on somewhat of a whim after braving Minnesota winters for 10 years. She is the mom of two small boys, two Dalmatians, and a cat!