Mood Boosters for Moms Stuck at Home


Hey. How are you holding up stuck at home? This is so weird, isn’t it? The idea that this way of life could go on for months feels heartbreaking, disappointing, and daunting. As a social mom of a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old boy, who generally prides myself on getting my kids out of the house once a day and meeting up with friends, I’m having a hard time with this.

The first couple of days were kind of fun, and I was feeling pretty proud of myself at how well our days were going. But after day three, I think it hit me that it’s going to be like this for a while and that feeling overwhelmed me. But I decided I’ve got to get used to it and figure out ways that my days can still feel happy even when it’s absolute chaos.

Here are 10 SIMPLE ways I’m boosting my mood when I get in a funk while being stuck at home:

  1. Lighting a candle in the middle of the day.
  2. Going for a 30-minute walk BY MYSELF first thing in the morning before the rest of the house wakes up.
  3. Making fresh coffee in the afternoon when I need a pick-me-up instead of reheating old coffee from the morning.
  4. Throwing my kids in the car and going for a drive for a change of scenery and hopefully a kid-car nap.
  5. Sending videos to my best buddies and family on the Marco Polo app.
  6. Turning on music I want to listen to (NOT kid music).
  7. Listening to a podcast that makes me laugh.
  8. Putting spa-like scents in my oil diffuser.
  9. Cooking things that I’ve wanted to try for a while. More baking! Trying recipes that are a little more time consuming because well . . . I’ve got the time.
  10. Happy hour with the neighbors. Everyone sits in a chair in their own yard facing each other. It’s fun!

Mood Boosters for Moms Stuck at Home

I’d love to hear what things you are doing to boost your mood during this crazy time! Comment below and let me know!