Reasons I’m Happy My Kids are Home Right Now


I know there’s a lot going on in the world right now, and with schools closing many parents are having to deal with the stress of having their children at home all day, while also working, and helping their kids with school work until summer vacation. I am also dealing with these struggles as we navigate these new routines but I wanted to take a second to think about the reasons I’m actually really happy we’re all stuck at home for the foreseeable future.

Sibling Togetherness

Reasons I'm happy my kids are home right nowI can’t vouch for anyone else’s kids, but my kids are playing together and being creative together, and they actually seem to like each other for the first time since they both started school. With all of us working and being in school all day, they would both come home grumpy and tired, which led to more fighting and slamming of doors claiming they just wanted to be alone. Since we have been home though, they spend all day together building forts, playing in the pool, and exploring our neighborhood together. This is exactly what I wanted when we decided to have multiple kids. They are siblings and friends. I do not know if this will last the entire summer, but it’s fun to watch right now.

Helping more with School

reasons I'm happy my kids are home right nowGuys, I know, e-learning is a pain some days, but I’m really enjoying actually seeing what my kids are working on during the day and watching their progress. How many times have you asked your child what they did at school all day, only for them to come back with a shrug, and “I don’t remember.” Well, now I know everything they are doing because I am sitting right at the kitchen table with them while they do it.

More outside time

Reasons I'm happy my kids are home right nowI know it seems odd that in a time of social distancing we would begetting more outside time, but we really are. As I write this, my kids are out on our deck filling up an inflatable pool and having a blast, while I watch from the window. We’ve been taking more family walks, and my daughter can even walk our smaller dog without help now. Our yard is cleaner than it’s ever been. It’s that perfect time in Charleston right before it gets way too hot when you actually don’t mind hanging out and doing yardwork or grilling with a sweet tea in hand enjoying the sun.

Talking to my kids about the future

My kids are young, the oldest is seven and the other is going to be four in a few weeks, but they know there’s a pandemic going on. They know we need to stay quarantined to stay safe, but that doesn’t stop them from thinking about the future when it won’t be this way. They talk to me about what they want to do when this is over, where they want to visit, the foods they want to eat, people they want to hug. It’s wonderful to hear them with so much happiness and hope, pour their hearts out about all the things they want to do when it’s safe. That gives me more hope too, which is something I think we all need a little more of these days.